
Flutter Development

Level: Basic to Intermediate

Flutter Development

Level: Basic to Intermediate

Flutter, Google's open-source UI software development kit, has emerged as a game-changer in the realm of cross-platform app development. With its single codebase approach, Flutter enables developers to build beautiful, high-performance applications for mobile, web, and desktop platforms simultaneously. Its reactive framework and extensive widget library streamline the development process, while hot reload functionality facilitates rapid iteration and debugging. Flutter's popularity continues to soar, attracting developers worldwide with its productivity, flexibility, and native-like performance. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a newcomer to the field, Flutter offers a compelling solution for crafting stunning, feature-rich apps across diverse platforms.

- Getting started with the course
- Intro to Dart Programming language
- Get deeper into a dart

- Flutter Environment Setup(Windows)
- Flutter Environment Setup(MacOS)
- MacOS Setup - Android
- MacOS Setup - iOS
- It’s Time to Build Your First App!
-State Design with Flutter Apps

- Photos API and JSON
- Named Constructors
- Adding an Image Model
- Function References
- The HTTP Package
- Handling Dart Futures
- Parsing Future Responses into a Model
- Updating the AppState Widget
- Building Lists of Widgets
- Sending Images to the ImageList
- Building Lists with ListView
- Listing URL's
- Text to Images
- Containers for Positioning
- Adding Border Style
- Column Widgets for

- App Overview
- Boilerplate App Code
- Creating the Login Screen
- More Container Styling
- Labels and Hint Text
- Customizing Keyboard Type
- Handling Password Inputs
- Displaying Buttons with Raised Button
- Changing Widget Colors
- Layout Control
- Form Validation
- Referencing Widgets with Global Keys
- The Form Widget and FormState
- Creating a Global Key
- Referencing FormState with Global Keys
- Validating via FormState
- Triggering Validation
- Retrieving Form Values
- Final Form Submittal
- Code Reuse with Mixins
- Mixin Validator Implementation

- BLOC's vs Stateful Widgets
- The Purpose of Streams with Blocs
- Generating a New Project
- App Boilerplate
- Second Time on LoginScreen
- TextFields with RaisedButtons
- How to Use TextFields
- BLOC Design for TextFields
- Annotating Stream Types
- Issues with Bloc Access
- Shortcut Access with Getters
- Public vs Private Fields
- Improving the BLOC Api
- Validation Transformers
- A Technicality Around Mixins
- Cleaning Up Controllers
- Bloc Application

- The StreamBuilder Widget
- Streambuilder for Password Fields
- Scoped Bloc Approach
- Provider Implementation
- The Provider's 'of' Function
- The Provider's Constructor
- The Provider in Action
- Accessing the Bloc
- Breather and Review
- Enabling Form Submission
- Stream Merging Possibilities

- App Overview
- Animation Library Classes
- App Boilerplate
- StatefulWidgets for Animations
- Widget Structure
- Displaying a Cat
- The InitState Method
- Declaring the TickerProvider
- Tweens with Curves
- Performance Savings with Animated Builder
- Nature of Animation
- Starting the Animation
- Watching for Taps with GestureDetector
- Reversing Animation States
- Building the Box
- Layouts with the Stack Widget
- Order of Drawing Widgets
- Add Center Widget
- Positioned Widgets
- Expanding Stack Dimensions
- Three Reasons for Strange Layouts
- Positioned Constraints
- Negative Offsets
- Stack Clip Settings

- Expert Guidance: Our experienced instructors provide comprehensive guidance and support throughout your Flutter learning journey, ensuring you grasp concepts effectively and develop practical skills.

Hands-On Learning: Our curriculum emphasizes hands-on projects and real-world applications, allowing you to gain practical experience and build a robust portfolio of Flutter projects.

Industry-Relevant Skills: Our training program is designed to equip you with the latest tools, techniques, and best practices in Flutter development, making you well-prepared for the demands of the industry.

Flexibility: Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, our Flutter courses cater to learners of all levels, offering flexible scheduling options to accommodate your needs.

Career Opportunities: Flutter developers are in high demand, and our training can open doors to exciting career opportunities in mobile app development, freelancing, entrepreneurship, and more.

Basic Programming Knowledge: While prior experience in programming is not mandatory, having a foundational understanding of programming concepts and logic can be beneficial. Familiarity with languages like JavaScript, Java, Kotlin, or Swift can ease the learning process.

Understanding of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Knowledge of OOP principles such as classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism is helpful for grasping Flutter development concepts. Familiarity with Development Tools: While not mandatory, having some familiarity with development tools like Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio Code or Android Studio can be advantageous.

Access to Resources: Access to a computer or laptop with internet connectivity and the ability to install software required for Flutter development are necessary for engaging in hands-on learning.

- Cross-Platform Development: Flutter allows you to build apps for multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, web, and desktop, using a single codebase. This saves time and resources compared to developing separate codebases for each platform.

- Hot Reload: Flutter's hot reload feature enables developers to instantly see changes they make to the code reflected in the app, speeding up the development process and facilitating rapid iteration and debugging.

- Native Performance: Flutter apps are compiled to native machine code, resulting in high-performance, smooth animations, and a native look and feel across platforms, without sacrificing performance.

- Rich UI Experience: Flutter provides a rich set of customizable widgets and UI components, allowing developers to create visually stunning and highly interactive user interfaces that adhere to Material Design or Cupertino (iOS) guidelines.

- Productivity: Flutter's expressive and concise syntax, along with its extensive set of pre-built widgets and libraries, boosts developer productivity, enabling faster development cycles and quicker time-to-market for apps.

- Open-Source and Growing Community: Being open-source, Flutter benefits from a vibrant and supportive community of developers, contributors, and enthusiasts who actively contribute to its development, share knowledge, and provide support.

- Career Opportunities: As Flutter gains popularity among developers and businesses, the demand for Flutter developers is on the rise. Learning Flutter can open up numerous career opportunities in mobile app development, freelancing, entrepreneurship, and more.

- Flexibility and Scalability: Flutter is highly flexible and scalable, making it suitable for building apps of all sizes and complexities, from simple prototypes to large-scale, enterprise-grade applications.

- Career Opportunities: Flutter developers are in high demand across industries, with job roles ranging from mobile app developer to software engineer to Flutter specialist. As more companies adopt Flutter for app development, the demand for skilled Flutter developers is expected to continue growing.

- Cross-Platform Development: Flutter's ability to create apps for multiple platforms with a single codebase opens up a wide range of opportunities. Developers can build apps for iOS, Android, web, and desktop platforms, reaching a larger audience and maximizing the app's potential impact.

- Freelancing and Entrepreneurship: With the rise in demand for Flutter app development services, freelance opportunities abound for Flutter developers. Additionally, learning Flutter empowers individuals to pursue entrepreneurship by building and monetizing their own apps or offering Flutter development services as a business.

- Salary Potential: Flutter developers command competitive salaries due to their specialized skills and the high demand for their expertise. Salaries vary depending on factors such as location, experience, and job role, but Flutter developers generally enjoy lucrative compensation packages.

- Innovation and Creativity: Flutter's flexible and expressive framework encourages innovation and creativity in app development. Developers can leverage Flutter's rich set of widgets, customizable UI components, and powerful features to create unique and innovative apps that stand out in the market.

- Community and Support: Flutter boasts a vibrant and supportive community of developers, enthusiasts, and experts who actively contribute to its growth and development. Engaging with the Flutter community provides valuable networking opportunities, support, and access to resources and knowledge sharing.

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.

Flutter primarily uses the Dart programming language, which is developed by Google. Dart is a modern, object-oriented language with features like strong typing, garbage collection, and async-await for asynchronous programming.

While prior programming experience can be helpful, it is not a strict requirement to learn Flutter. Flutter's comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and community support make it accessible to beginners, although familiarity with programming concepts can expedite the learning process.

Yes, Flutter allows developers to build apps for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase. This cross-platform capability streamlines the development process and reduces the need for separate codebases for each platform.

The duration and format of the training is 2 months.

To get started with Flutter development, you'll need to install Flutter SDK, which includes the Flutter framework, Dart SDK, and command-line tools. Additionally, you'll need a code editor such as Visual Studio Code or Android Studio, and either an Android or iOS device or emulator for testing your apps.

Successful participants will get the AIN GenX and Skill Development Council Karachi certificates.

Yes, there is a growing demand for Flutter developers in the job market, with opportunities available in various industries and companies of all sizes. Job roles for Flutter developers include mobile app developer, software engineer, Flutter specialist, and more.


Tayyab Ahmed

Software Engineer
5+ years of experience in Flutter Development

Who this course is for:

Flutter Developer


●  2 Months (24 Hours)


●  On-Site/Online


Starting From

●  Sunday, May 12, 2024

Course Fee

●  On-Site: Fee Rs. 5,000/- monthly
●  Online: Fee Rs. 3,000/- monthly
Excluding the SDC Certificate Fee

Account Details

Bank: Dubai Islamic Bank
Account Title: AIN GenX Pvt. Ltd.
Account No: 0913420001
IBAN No: PK15 DUIB 0000 0009 1342 0001